Sunday, June 06, 2004

Talking Cock

Like I really have nothing better to do then reply to an article that was written even before I had my first romance. Heterosexual romance anyway. Heh.

What's with the animosity?
It's precisely this sort of inane behaviour from local men (what with all the references to a loose pussy) that turns the local girls off.
Sure there are bastardy, stupid caucasian men out there, but guess what? If the government is willing to let them come here and work, one thing is for sure, they can't be dull. Chances are, they're probably going to be smarter and wittier then the majority of asian men within a mile.
And not all of them are fuckers.
Well, wake up. Men all over the world are the same. They all want new blood; it's just like how singers have to constatly evolve to revive interests in their fans. It's part of being human, part of the authority of conciousness. That it makes imparative a desire for curiousity. Which is also another reason why you can't blame local girls for going after ang mo men.
The grass isn't always greener on the other side, goddamn right you are. But for the individual, it might be just the right shade of green.
People all over have different tastes and different ideals for the perfect relationship. Not everyone is going to prefer man-tou over a croissant, and not every girl is going to want to settle down and raise a bunch of kids so soon.
And besides, who can blame a girl for wanting to raise children under the pristine landscape of Wellington over the mercantile urban landscape of the city?
Men are men. Romance is the same all over the world, and love is a universal feeling. To treat women who have a preference for cacausian men as objects incapable of rational thought in the presence of western blood is a terrible generalization, and no doubt one spawned out of personal insecurity.

posted by Isabella at 7:15 AM